
BioClever CRO and Francisco de Vitoria University (UFV) of Madrid organized a conference on 21st-century vaccines.

BioClever CRO and Francisco de Vitoria University (UFV) of Madrid organized a conference on 21st-century vaccines.BioClever CRO and Francisco de Vitoria University (UFV) of Madrid organized a conference on 21st-century vaccines.BioClever CRO and Francisco de Vitoria University (UFV) of Madrid organized a conference on 21st-century vaccines.BioClever CRO and Francisco de Vitoria University (UFV) of Madrid organized a conference on 21st-century vaccines.
BioClever CRO and Francisco de Vitoria University (UFV) of Madrid organized a conference on 21st-century vaccines.BioClever CRO and Francisco de Vitoria University (UFV) of Madrid organized a conference on 21st-century vaccines.BioClever CRO and Francisco de Vitoria University (UFV) of Madrid organized a conference on 21st-century vaccines.BioClever CRO and Francisco de Vitoria University (UFV) of Madrid organized a conference on 21st-century vaccines.
To carry out this act, the UFV had the help and collaboration of BioClever ,within the framework of the collaboration agreement between both entities, which allows students to access exceptional and practical training, having the chance to approach a professional world in which they can become future references.

The event was a great success, thanks to the extraordinary attitude of all the speakers, who were excited to share their experience and knowledge acquired after decades of dedication with students and teachers. All of the presentations by these speakers were extraordinary, conveying not only their knowledge, but also leaving us with more than one thought after the end of the conference and adding invaluable value to the event.
The first speaker was Dr. Ángel Gil, professor of Preventive Medicine and Public Health at the University Rey Juan Carlos, Key Opinion Leader in the field of immunology and coordinator of the Advisor Committee on Vaccines of the Community of Madrid. Dr. Gil not only gave all of us a masterful session on the topic, but also wrote down ideas to think about and use when thinking about the future. Next, Mrs. Silvia Garriga, professional nurse and manager of the NGO “Nuevos Caminos”, provided a humanistic perspective about what happens in developing countries, the contribution of NGOs, and the possibilities of improvement, both in the treatment of diseases in said countries as well as the means to conduct them.  

After a break in which the nearly 500 attendees, between students and teachers from the universities of Pharmacy and Biotechnology, had the chance to exchange opinions and meet the speakers of the day, the event continued with the participation of some of the best professionals in the field of vaccines of the pharmaceutical industry, specifically the collaboration of Carlos Guzmán, medical director of Sanofi Pasteur MSD; Pedro Alsina Mier, director of Institutional Relations of Sanofi Pasteur MSD; and José María Guillén, responsible for Pharmacovigilance and senior clinical project manager of Sanofi Pasteur MSD. 

Guest speakers shared the European vision of the leading company in the sector of vaccines with the students and also gave several presentations of current great interest on topics such as why to use vaccines and the resulting impact when choosing one option or the other. All speeches offered advice on the necessary requirements so that, in the future, young people who are receiving training today can work hand in hand with professionals as extraordinary as them, in companies of international renown such as Sanofi Pasteur MSD

To conclude the conference, Pharmacy students from the UFV of Madrid discussed whether vaccination of the population should be mandatory by law. The discussion was entertaining, dynamic and enthusiastic. Students showed extraordinary skills to defend both sides with fundamented arguments, and the only disadvantage was that we did not have more time to continue the conference, which left every attendee with a wonderful feeling.
From BioClever CRO, we sincerely thank all speakers for their time, but especially for a conference full of knowledge, which left us “hungrier for more, to keep improving and offer a high added value” something that Francisco de Vitoria University loves as much as BioClever CRO.

From left to right: Julián Romero (UFV Madrid); Miguel García (BioClever CRO); Carlos Guzmán (SPMSD); José María Guillén (SPMSD); Dr. Ángel Gil (URJC); Pedro Alsina (SPMSD); Silvia Garriga (Nuevos Caminos NGO).


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