
Clinical trials: quality, know-how, expertise, and technology

Clinical trials: quality, know-how, expertise, and technology
All the resources that these companies have allocated to developing new drugs and products that improve or increase hope and quality of life for people who have a disease are thoroughly examined. Here at BioClever, we believe that it is our duty as collaborators to provide our clients with the expertise and training of our experts, who are not only exceptionally qualified but also continue to learn all the time to be always up to date with the latest technologies, with applicable national and international laws, and who are strongly committed to improving through their ongoing development, self-analysis, and the closest, most effective collaboration.

At BioClever, we work with technologies that offer the best guarantee in terms of reliability, data integrity, quality and adaptability to technical requirements specific to each project.

Thanks to accurate planning and ongoing training, we put all our knowledge to the service of the research community. Years and years of accumulated experience in several therapeutic areas, designing and reviewing protocols, preparing well-structured case report forms designed in such a way as to be intuitive and easy even in the most complex projects, starting up from  clinical trials to post-authorization studies, from public hospitals and primary care centers to private clinics and facilities, monitoring studies with our team of CRAs located in Barcelona and Madrid, conducting one, two and even three statistical analyses to ensure results, providing support in scientific writing and exploitation of results as well.

Here at BioClever, we are proud to say that our biggest success are our clients, whose trust we earn every day and who show us their satisfaction by entrusting us with new projects at a 90% repetition rate, both from the private and the public sectors. All this thanks to our exceptional technical team of professionals.

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In the pharmaceutical sector as a whole, and more specifically, in the drug manufacturing industry, it is of vital importance to conduct all the phases of clinical trials in order to meet all the legal requirements to market a product.